Canada is famous for its balanced selection system of applicants wishing to get to Canada for a short-term visit. Today, a Visitor visa to Canada is an art. Not always and not everyone can get it.
Refusal of a Visitor visa to Canada can be a result of a variety of reasons. In course of our work, we occasionally deal with situations when the visa officer of the Embassy of Canada refuses applicant a Visitor visa for no reason, simply because he is not obliged to justify himself too much. In this case, practice shows and proves that Visitor visa to Canada can be obtained after one, and after two, and even three previous refusals, the Visitor Visa can even be obtained after the ban to enter Canada due to more serious violations.

Visitor Visa until 2026 (multi entry) after refusal based on lack of connection to home country. Applied in 7 weeks after initial refusal.
The main task when submitting a fresh application for a Visitor visa is to explain and dispel all previous doubts of the officer. To do it, first and foremost, you should know all Officer’s doubts. This can be found out by ordering an extract from the database of immigration Canada and thoroughly analyzing it content. A more important task is not to be offended at the officer and not to offer excuses, but to out yourself on Officer’s place and look at your own application with Officer’s eyes. This way you will understand the grounds of refusal, which you gave the officer yourself actually, still almost everything can be fixed.

Visitor Visa to Canada in frames of immigration 2017
Pay attention to your connection to country of citizenship and residence when applying for Visitor Visa to Canada, especially if you do not have a family, children, real estate in your home country. Do not be afraid to show in your statement “too many” documents. There is no “too many” in such cases. Do not be afraid to tell the truth about your work, the availability of funds, etc. The embassy will not punish you for unofficial employment, but it may refuse if there is no work at the time of applying.

Visitor Visa to Canada until 2027 – to visit daughter, who is studying in Canada

Processed with VSCO with hb1 preset
Remember, it is better to consult immigration consultant in advance, it will give you confidence before applying for a visa to Canada. To prevent the refusal is really easier than to “repulse” it in the new appication.
It is very important to take into account that much in the decision-making process of issuing a Visitor visa depends on the country of your permanent residence, the country of citizenship and the corresponding embassy. For example, Ukrainian living in Ukraine applying for a Visitor visa to Canada through Kiev Visa Office has more chances to get a visa than Ukrainian working in the Russian Federation or another country temporarily and submitting an application through Moscow Visa Office, for example. In addition, Canada keeps statistics of “particularly distinguished” countries in the prism of violation of the visa regime, visas are distributed, as well, depending on the anti-rating of countries. For example, Filipino citizens violated the conditions of short-term visas to Canada more often than citizens of Moldova, so now followers of Filipino “violators” suffer from refusals more often, while Moldovan applicants are considered more loyally.
You can see the result of our work and commitment both on our website and on Facebook page.
What can we do for you?
- assessment of the chances to get a Visitor Visa to Canada, as well as all other types of visas and permits,
- representation of your interests by the regulated immigration consultant in all services in Canada,
- organizing and managing the process of obtaining a visa from A to Z
- full support and organization of your trip to Canada – flight, accommodation, meals, entertainment, shopping, searching for potential employers, meeting with those who already live in Canada and got there due to Palleonn.
We are waiting for you in our offices or on-line!
Palleonn Consulting Centre – probably, the best in immigration consultancy.
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